Guideline for PRESENTER
Stand-Up Presentation
Presentation file format: Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or up (A projector and a notebook book computer will be available in each session room)
Time: 15-20 minutes Presentation + 5 minutes Q&A
Presenters are expected to save their presentation file on the computer before the session starts.
In addition, all presenters should prepare a short bio (200 words or less) to be given to the moderator at the session.
Poster Presentation
Poster Pane Sizel: 1m (width) x 1.8m (Height)
Please make sure you have attached your poster on board before your poster session starts (Schedule of poster session will be available from the conference program booklet)
Presenters are required to be standing by their poster for Q&A
TiP Session Presentation
Presentation file format: Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or up (A projector and a notebook book computer will be available in each session room)
Time: 15-20 minutes Presentation + 5 minutes Commentation, Q&A
Presenters are expected to save their presentation file on the computer before the session starts.
In addition, all presenters should prepare a short bio (200 words or less) to be given to the moderator at the session.
Certificate of Participation
Certificates of participation for authors will be available from the Conference Website. The link will be available during the conference.